
This is the script that I did for the voice over in my documentary. I did not do all of the question by myself because I ask for help to my friend considering that my English skills is not really good and fluent. One of my friend help to create all of this questions and she also gave me some ideas of what is the best questions and related to the documentary that I am doing.

My stepfather is the one who’s supposed to do my voice over for my documentary but because he didn’t went back home in the time that we planned to do the voice over, so I have to find someone who can do the voice over. I ask one of my classmate to to the voice over for my documentary and he agree to help me. I gave him the scripts and record his voice with the use of ”ADOBE AUDITION”. George help me to record the voice over for my documentary and he also thought on how to use the adobe audition and how to make the voice over even more better to it’s natural sound. After I have learned on how to use the adobe audition and then I stared recording the voice of my classmate, I told him that he is only going to read the first paragraph and then I am going to pause it and look through back again and see if there is any part of the sound that is too high or too low and then I change those sound that I don’t like. Same thing that I did till the end of the whole script, I pause it when a paragraph is finish and change the part of the sound that is too high or too low.


jim's script.jpeg